West Africa Blue’s First Quarterly Update of 2024

February 4, 2024

Welcome to the first quarterly update of 2024 from West Africa Blue! In this edition, we are excited to share key developments from our ongoing projects in Sierra Leone and Guinea, along with some exciting updates about our expanding teams.​

Sierra Leone Highlights: ​

  • Fish Smoking Innovation: We have been testing new Improved Fish Smoking Ovens (IFSOs) designed by expert consultant Christa Roth. These ovens aim to drastically reduce the wood consumption associated with traditional fish smoking practices. Prototypes have already been installed, and feedback from the community is helping us refine the design.​

  • Biodiversity Assessment: Collaborations with NatureMetrics and the Conservation Society of Sierra Leone (CSSL) have provided valuable insights through environmental DNA surveys and biodiversity assessments. Notably, 10 species were identified as Endangered to Near Threatened, including the West African manatee and two primate species.​

  • Community Engagement: We rolled out the fourth module of our community engagement program, reaching over 1,000 people across 90 villages. This initiative focused on collecting feedback on the proposed project while educating the community on risks and opportunities.​

Guinea Project Developments:​

  • Carbon Assessment: In collaboration with the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, we have completed a comprehensive carbon assessment of mangroves along the Guinean coast, measuring over 130 plots. The results will be essential for our ongoing feasibility study in the region.​

  • Socioeconomic Survey: We have initiated a survey to understand community views on mangroves, their uses, and the environmental changes observed. This information will help tailor future interventions.​

  • New Team Member: We are excited to welcome Mamadou Bah as our new Guinea Country Manager. His expertise in stakeholder engagement will be a valuable asset as we continue expanding our work in the region.​​

Stay tuned for more updates on our progress, and if you'd like more details, feel free to reach out!​


Spring 2024 Quarterly Update from West Africa Blue